
and Rays and Boxes      


These are the bookrings that I'm currently signed up for.

After I've received one and passed it on it will be removed from this list.

You can double check  the status of the rings I've read by looking at the page where I list the books I've read. 

There is an indicator of which books were bookring books.

This section is woefully out of date. After a computer melt down I lost a lot my information and

I'm hoping to have this back up to date by the end of February.


Fresh Blood

Tales From the Sanctuary


Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale



Word Freak

Running with Scissors

Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

Undead and Unwed

Stephanie Plum Bookbox

King Rat

Dead in Dixie

The Dark

Mystic River

Still-life with Crows

Fast Food Nation

Year of Wonders



Welcome to the World Baby Girl


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